Friday, May 15, 2009

American White Pelican

My husband and I went with my sister and her kids on a nature walk today at Inlet Park in Saratoga Springs. Thanks to my zoom lens and my awesome Sibley field guide we were able to identify pelicans as they soared as tiny specks above us.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yellow Warbler (female)

This little cutie's song was too pretty to ignore. She was busy in our neighbor's tree.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Western Kingbird

This was one of the first bird species we identified in our back yard. We recognize them by their yellow under-bellies and their little dark masks. Being flycatchers, they don't come to the feeders, but snatch insects out of the air. I'm thankful to them for that, but I had to evict them from our attic vents because of the noise!

Horned Lark (Interior West adult male)

This one went unidentified for a long time. I didn't get a very good picture and I guessed maybe it was a meadowlark because of the black "V" on its chest. But now I can see the black "horn", and the mask is pretty obvious. I hope he comes back next spring so I can get a better photograph.